Dsungi Pebbles Doppelnagerhütte / Double Nagerhütte ("rodent hut") of Winter White Pebbles |
Hybrid Mangos Doppelnagerhütte / Double Nagerhütte ("rodent hut") of hybrid Mango |
Pebbles Gehege - linke Seite / Pebble's cage - left side |
Das Critter Bath und das Bonbonglas wurden mit Aquarienkies und mit kleinen Kieselsteinen beklebt. Dazu eignet sich Aquariensilikon. Zum Verkleben der Dübel auf der Ebene eignet sich ein wasserbasierter Holzleim (Weißleim) wie zb. Ponal oder Ponal Expess.
Pebbles Gehege - rechte Seite / Pebble's cage - right side |
Mangos Gehege - linke Seite / Mango's cage - left side |
Mangos Gehege - rechte Seite / Mango's cage right side |
So lässt es sich als Zwerghamster gut leben!
Mango in ihrem Gehege / Mango in her cage |
Die kleine Pebbles / Little Pebbles |
English Summary
User -Pebbles- from the German Hamsterforum keeps her dwarf hamsters Mango and Pebbles (Winter White and Hybrid) each in a two-compartment Nagerhütte (rodent hut) custom-made by the German Company Nagerhütten. The cage of each hamster consists of two Nagerhütten compartments of 115cm x 55cm for a total ground floor space of 230cm x 55cm=1,265m² (~90" x 22" = 1980 square inches) per hamster.
Pebble's cage
Left side: a level made from poplar plywood and wooden dowels, a 20cm (8") RoboWheel by Transoniq, a Super Pet Critter Bath, a candy jar (IKEA FÖRVAR), wicker bridges, a mangrove root, cork, several cobs of fun food (flax, dari,...) and hay. The Critter Bath and the candy jar were covered with fine aquarium gravel and pebbles. They were glued on with aquarium silicone. The wooden level and dowels were glued with a water based white wood glue (Ponal brand).Right side: another level made from poplar plywood, a 27cm (10") Transoniq WodentWheel, several wine roots and cork hideouts. The house in the back left is a ZooDi Natura Nagerbau (wooden house) from Rodipet.de. The white hideout in the front left has been crafted from child-safe, self-hardening modeling clay.
Mango's cage
Left side: poplar plywood level, RoboWheel, Critter Bath, ceramic mushroom hideout, two candy jar hideouts, a mangrove root, a modeling clay hideout, a sand bath framed by wicker bridges, hay and fun food.Right side: a ZooDi Natura Nagerbau (wooden house), wooden level, a WodentWheel, wine roots, cork and another modeling clay hideout.
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