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1: Eckgehege / Corner cage |
Eine Bauanleitung von Sili kann HIER heruntergeladen werden (Attachment im Posting im Forum).
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2: Eckgehege / Corner cage |
Ganz unten ist ca. 30cm tief eingstreut. Auf einer kleinen Plattform befindet sich ein Häuschen aus der GRANIT-Serie von Rodipet.de. Zwei Rampen aus Sperrholz und Holzdübeln führen in die nächste Etage.
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3: unterste Etage / bottom level |
Auf der mittleren Etage befinden sich das 25cm Korklaufrad von Rodipet, eine Korkröhre, ein Birkenversteck, eine Rennbahn-Ebene und ein Kletterturm aus Sperrholz. Chinesische Streifenhamster sind gute Kletterer.
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4: mittlere Etage / middle level |
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5: oberste Etage / top level |
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6: Luna |
English Summary
Corner Cage for Chinese Hamster Luna
This giant corner cage (pic 1+2) was built by user Sili from the German Hamsterforum. Her chinese hamster Luna enjoys almost 2.5m² (about 26 square feet(!)) of total space - 8200cm² (1271in square) on each of three levels. A construction plan by Sili is available for download HERE.The bottom level (pic 3) contains about 30cm (~12in) of bedding - aspen mixed with hay. There is a house from the GRANIT (granite) series by Rodipet on a little platform. Ramps made from plywood and wooden dowels lead to the next level.
The middle level (pic 4) contains the 25cm (10in) wooden wheel with cork running surface by Rodipet, a cork tunnel, a birch hideout, another level and a climbing tower made from plywood. Chinese hamsters are good climbers.
On the top level (pic 5) there is a sand area with chinchilla sand, an area with beech granulate and an area with corn cob bedding. There are several hideouts: a coconut, a stone hideout from the aquarium section of the pet shop and a ceramic hideout (Tutti Frutti Series by Karlie). There is also a stone with holes, a climbing root and a house and feeding platform made from plywood.
Chinese hamster girl Luna (pic 6) seems to like it.
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