Und wie alle Jahre wieder - bitte verschenkt KEINE LEBENDEN TIERE zu Ostern! Klärt auch in Eurem Bekanntenkreis auf und verlinkt die Aktion!
Unüberlegt verschenkte Tiere haben meist kein schönes Leben - schenkt lieber Gutscheine und Infomaterial zur gewünschten Tierart wenn es denn schon etwas tierbezogenes sein soll. Für Zwerghamster möchte ich Euch dieses moderne Buch von Christine Wilde ans Herz legen: "Ihr Hobby: Zwerghamster".
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NO pets as Easter presents!
Every year pets are given as Easter presents - often without much thought and without enough research about the needs of the pet. And every year shortly after Easter a large number of these pets end up in shelters or worse, are abandoned in the street or have to spend the rest of their lives in a tiny, inappropriate cage that was picked up in a rush 5mins before the shops closed.
Do NOT give pets as Easter presents! (Link to original German campaign)
Give books about the intended pet instead and/or a voucher - for the pet shop to buy accessories, for the hardware store to buy materials for a DIY cage, or for IKEA if you want to repurpose furniture. Use the holidays to read and research about the desired pet. And then visit the shelter or a rescue organization to adopt a pet after the holidays. Unfortunately, a couple of weeks after Easter there will be so many unwanted pets there that you'll be spoilt for choice.
Even if you have done all your research and gotten a great cage etc. the holidays are not the best time to take in a new pet as it is usually a stressful time for most people - the house will be full of visitors or you might go away to visit your relatives... and if you forgot to buy something or if the new pet is sick - shops and vets are closed during the holidays.
You might also be interested in this article: Kids, Pets, And the Holidays
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